Wellness is not just about being free from illness; it’s about making choices that lead to a healthy, fulfilling life. Gateway believes that supporting a culture of wellness helps people enjoy their journey and keep going. When individuals thrive, it also strengthens the whole community.
Patient Wellness
Wellness in Recovery
Gateway connects with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) and local community partners to integrate wellness into the recovery process, remove barriers to resources that impact health, and create opportunities that foster connection and purpose.
On average, the lifespan of individuals with serious mental illness and substance use disorders is thirty years less than the general population. The most common reasons for this come from preventable conditions related to tobacco-use and obesity. In addition, individuals with behavioral health disorders are more likely to have elevated Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) scores, which suggest a much greater likelihood for poor health outcomes in adulthood.
Wellness in Treatment
Gateway’s Wellness interventions within the treatment setting focus on nutrition, fitness, and tobacco cessation, utilizing SAMHSA's 8 Dimensions of Wellness as a guideline for total wellness. Patients work individually, and in group settings, with Wellness Coaches who help them identify their personal strengths and goals.
Restoring Smiles
Even though access to adult dental services is expanding, many individuals still face barriers to accessing comprehensive oral health care. Recovering individuals who are not able to access proper dental care can face significant issues related to their physical, social, and occupational well-being. Increased pain and decreased feelings of connection and purpose can be detrimental a person's ability to sustain recovery.
Since 2021, Gateway has received grant-funding through Delta Dental of Oklahoma to initiate the Restoring Smiles Program. Local dentists, volunteers, and Gateway treatment providers work together to eliminate barriers to comprehensive dental care and restore the healthy smiles of uninsured Gateway patients with the goal of improving health, boosting employability, enriching relationships, and sustaining recovery.