Wellness is not just about being free from illness; it’s about making choices that lead to a healthy, fulfilling life. Gateway believes that supporting a culture of wellness helps people to enjoy their journey and keep going. When individuals thrive, it also strengthens the whole community.
Gateway's Wellness Philosophy
Wellness is not just about being free from illness; it’s about making choices that lead to a healthy, fulfilling life.
Wellness is different for everyone, and each person’s journey is unique.
Everyone deserves access to the resources and support they need to make positive changes.
Gateway’s culture of wellness:
Is rooted in written policy and full agency buy in.
Fosters healthy connections with self and others.
Develops programs around staff, patient, and community wellness.
Removes barriers that stand in the way of peoples’ progress.
Increases awareness, education, and support around the 9 Dimensions of Wellness.

The 9 Dimensions of Wellness
The 9 Dimensions of Wellness all play a role in our well-being and quality of life. They are connected, and sometimes one may feel more important than the others. But ignoring any of them for too long can hurt our overall health.

Using healthy ways to cope with stress and handle tough times and changes.

Being healthy by living in pleasant, positive places that help your well-being. It includes enjoying nature and creating a comfortable space at home and at work.

Managing money in a way that brings peace of mind. This means living within your budget, avoiding debt, saving for the future, and understanding how you feel about money.

Recognizing your creative abilities and finding ways to learn and grow. This can include personal hobbies, career development, and being involved in your community and culture.

Finding a job, career, or volunteer opportunity that brings you satisfaction and purpose.

Taking care of your body by staying active, eating foods that agree with you, getting enough sleep, and preventing or managing health issues.

Building strong, supportive relationships with others and connecting with people around you.

Finding a sense of purpose and meaning in life, based on your values and beliefs. This may or may not involve religion.

Understanding your own culture and life experiences, and how they shape your values and view of the world. It also includes respecting and understanding other cultures and experiences.