Wellness is not just about being free from illness; it’s about making choices that lead to a healthy, fulfilling life. Gateway believes that supporting a culture of wellness helps people to enjoy their journey and keep going. When individuals thrive, it also strengthens the whole community.
Staff Wellness
People in helping professions need to focus on their own well-being to feel satisfied, avoid burnout, and provide the best care to coworkers, patients, and the community. However, balancing self-care with work and personal demands can be difficult, so it’s important to have strong support and resources.
That is why Gateway utilizes policy, staff participation, and perks to create a workplace culture that promotes health and healing for staff.
"I make time to fill my cup, so that I can be a resource to others."
- Anonymous

You Deserve Care, Too.
Staff Worksite Wellness Policy
Gateway’s Wellness policy provides best practices for staff on nutrition, physical activity, and quitting tobacco use and vaping while at work. It was created in 2017 by the TSET Healthy Living Program team with input from staff and administrators at all locations. If your organization needs assistance crafting your own Wellness Policy, please connect with our TSET Healthy Living Program Coordinator, Holly Gordon at hgordon@gatewaytoprevention.org.
Staff Wellness Team
Gateway believes that people support what they help create and local people solve local problems. Therefore, Gateway’s Staff Wellness Team, made up of employees from each department and location, collaborates to develop and carry out ideas that promote the health and well-being of all staff members around the 9 Dimensions of Wellness. This team also utilizes the Wellness Policy to guide and empower their efforts.
Staff Wellness Perks
Gateway’s Wellness Perks provide additional resources, opportunities, and support for staff to practice self-care throughout the work day. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
Paid wellness breaks each day to improve physical wellness.
Gym reimbursements.
Four free counseling sessions per year.
Wellness Challenges and Experiences that create awareness, excitement, support, and intentionality around the 9 Dimensions of Wellness. These are optional, inclusive, and celebrate any and all efforts made.
The Wellness Wagon that enables staff to purchase delicious and nutritious snacks throughout the year to enjoy at the office.