At Gateway to Prevention and Recovery, we are blessed to have been able to serve our community and state for over 38 years! Your support and belief in our work has made a significant impact on so many individuals and their families and allows us to continue to provide the highest quality services and support to foster recovery, prevention, and long-term wellness.
In July 2019, we purchased an existing facility and land that will be the future home of Gateway to Prevention and Recovery, Inc. This property requires additions and improvements that will include a proper patient intake area, child learning labs, meeting room space, offices, and more. With this in mind, we announced the $5.8 million fundraising campaign, Expect Hope. Our dream is that this property becomes an epicenter of hope and healing for our community.
Your gift to this project will be an incredible investment in our future and the futures of our patients and their families. Should you or anyone you know want to learn more about the building plans, naming opportunities, or schedule a personal tour of the facility, please feel free to contact Jon Greenwood at jgreenwood@gatewaytoprevention.org or fill out our contact form.
If you would like to make an online donation to Gateway, please fill out the form below.
If you would like to mail a donation, please send to the following address:
Gateway to Prevention and Recovery Inc.
36605 45th Street
Shawnee, OK 74804
We are committed to remaining fiscally responsible to our grant providers and donors.
Make a Donation
One time
If this donation is in honor of someone, please let us know. (optional)
9th Floor Oncology-Nursing Staff, SSM Health St. Anthony
Adult 7 Department at Immanuel Baptist Church
Alicja Carter
Alison Stewart
Ashley Spears
Avedis Foundation
Barrick Pharmacies Inc
Bison FCU
Brenda Kennedy
Brian Koons
Carol Bass
Charles & Kathy Laster
Cimarron County EMT Association
Citizen Potawatomie Nation Clinic
Claudia Willis
Cleo L Craig Foundation
Connie Dockery
Corrie Caudle
D. Annette Johnson
Dana & Michael Langley
Dana Austin Realty LLC
Danny & Nancy Overland
David E Nicklas
David Holl
Deborah Sharp
Dominque Simmons
Dr. Dick Deem & Cody Deem
Dr. Kirk Hoster
Dr. Levi & Paula Jones
Dr.. Michael Butcher
Ell's Jewelry Inc
Emalee Staude
Francis Johnson
Gary & Sara Tatum
Gateway to Prevention & Recovery Staff
Gibson & Reynolds PC
Glen & Ellen Mclaughlin
Glenna Young
Hannah Smith
Harrison Blake Hartzell
Impressions Dental PLLC
Insurance & Financial Design LLC
Jala Murphy
Jamie & Tim Barrick
Jason Beene
Jenifer Stevenson
Jessica Kincannon
Jim & Betty Robertson
John & April Stobbe
John H. & Leanne H. Howard
Jon & Melanne Greenwood
Judith Austin
Julee Ledbetter
Karrie Davis
Kati Reach
Kelly & Karen Cook
Kelsey Dye
Kimberly Cox
Kimberly McCutcheon
Kris & Kellie Steele
Kyle Rosebure
Larry & Patricia Goetz
Langley Management
Leonard Taron
Lewis A. Hembree
Linda White
Lisa Watson
Louis Maltos
Marilyn S Bradford
Maureen Trotter Revocable Trust
Gary & Edie Akin
Network For Good
Obhrai Gift Trust
Pamela R Dotson
Pampered Chef
Patty Wagstaff
Paul Bass
Paul M. Milburn Gift Fund
Ray Mason Living Trust
Rick & Denise Geist
Robin & Mark Finley
Sam Garlow
Sarah E. "Sallie" Mclaughlin
Sarah Steely
Sarkeys Foundation
Shawnee Board of Realtors
Sheena Sigman
Sherry Lankford
Shikha & Sudhir Gupta Foundation
Snow Diamonds LLC
Stephen Ryczek
Steve Wallace
Sue Winterringer
Susan Jordan
Terry O'Rorke
Terry West
Emily & Jason Trice Family Giving Fund
Thomas Fleming
W&A Robinson
William & Stephanie Davis
William F Rosebure
Winegardner Family Trust